
Fact Checking the Fact Checkers

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/22/2011 11:58:52 am PDT

re: #17 Rightwingconspirator

Apart from angry partisan assumptions about the vouchers themselves how do you know that?

Because of the enormous difficulty in finding health insurance for people who are around the age of medicare but ineligible for it, like my friend Tran’s grandfather. Luckily, you can still buy into medicare even if you’re ineligible, because the alternatives are fantastically costly compared to it.

Why on earth are you using the ‘angry partisan’ meme? Do you honestly think I’m just coming at this from an emotional and partisan point of view, rather than having actually analyzed it?

Setting aside partisan anger and its impact on how we think-A voucher that paid Kaiser of Blue Cross to take as good care of my senior father as what he gets now is fine with me.

Speaking of dumb assumptions, can you cut out the ‘partisan anger’ assumption you’re making? Thanks.

Please, on your own, go to Kaiser or Blue Cross and price out the cost of an insurance package for a senior citizen that would provide equivalent care for medicare. You will find that they are far, far, far more expensive than medicare is. So, where are we going to get all this extra money? Medicare is already enormously expensive— to change it to private care would increase the price enormously.