
Andrew Breitbart's Race-Baiting Fake Outrage Du Jour

BishopX10/03/2011 11:38:45 am PDT

re: #14 oaktree

Time to use “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” logic and see who can be tied to Obama, Reagan or even someone like Hitler…

Well lets play the Obama negotiated with Hitler game.

Obama received his dog from Ted Kennedy, whose Brother (John) negotiated with Kruschev who succeeded Stalin who negotiated with Hitler. Hence Obama is a Nazi!

This is too easy.

How about this. Obama clearly supports my plan to abolish the financial system and turn wall street into a giant data center which would be used to optimally allocate captial under sate direction. This is true because he once appeared in a photo with man married to one of my mothers old co-workers. Simple really.