Comment vs. National Review

Mattand12/15/2011 12:12:05 pm PST
It’s hot wingnut on wingnut action, …

There’s nothing hot about it. I’ve seen photos of some of the participants.

In a weird sort of a way, I’m actually kind of depressed by this. By the modern political definition of the word, I’m liberal (pro-gay marriage, atheist, pro-legalize pot) and generally vote Democratic. Having said that, I’m under no illusion that the Dems are the solution to all of the nation’s woes. One party rule is never a good thing.

However, when I see what a bat-shit crazy mess the GOP has become, I really worry about the political arena in the US. The Republicans, it seems, are on a suicide course where we do it their way or they take everyone down with them.

In some respect, I take no pleasure watching the two factions tear each other apart. For fuck’s sake, even Reagan and O’Neil managed to work out compromises, and you don’t get two people more idealogicaly apart than those two.

Drop the dogma and do what’s best for the country. Please.