
Update: Did the Komen Foundation Really Reverse Its Planned Parenthood Cut-Off?

lawhawk2/03/2012 11:36:23 am PST

SGK is a charity. It is not infallible. They’ve failed miserably in this whole mess by changing funding policies that specifically target PP, claiming that they’re doing so for fiduciary purposes (integrity), ignoring criminal legal investigations into other charities that they provide grants to (see Penn State), and then supposedly reverse course and claim that they’ve modified their terms so that they will exclude political investigations and only focus on criminal investigations.

Then, they act as though nothing’s wrong and that this was all blown out of proportion to the act.

SGK’s actions are such that many people will now opt for other less politically-influenced charities; perhaps some will now directly donate to PP or other charitable foundations, groups, hospitals, that provide direct care rather than to SGK. These actions haven’t changed my own charitable giving habits. I didn’t donate to SGK before, and I wont going forward. I will continue giving (and in increasing fashion as time goes by and my own finances allow) to places that are near and dear to my family - MSKCC and LLS.

Sad thing is that this ends up hurting those who SGK claims to help - people who want a cure to breast cancer and those who might be helped by early screening/detection.