
The GOP Long War

Eclectic Cyborg4/07/2013 11:03:17 am PDT

I posted awhile back on an opinion piece which basically stated the GOP proposals had widespread popularity and acceptance on the state level because so many states have GOP controlled legislatures and government and of course the voters would not have elected Republicans if they did not agree with their proposals.

This of course ignores the fact that the bulk of that GOP power derives itself from the 2010 midterms and a great many of those voters weren’t voting for Republicans, they were voting against Democrats. The GOP is absolutely delusional if they expect to repeat their mid term success in 2014. I suspect those elections will seriously curtail GOP strength in a number of states such as Michigan and Wisconsin.

Jindals low approval ratings should be telling. When you can’t sell a proposal like that to one of the most far right states in the Union you need to rethink your strategy.