
Boston Bombing Update: The Tsarnaev Brothers Were Headed for New York

A Mom Anon4/23/2013 4:43:59 pm PDT

I’d just like to know what happens to someone that they become so hateful and full of rage. Babies are not born evil. So what is going on that pushes some people so far? I get that there are religious aspects to some of it, but something else is going on here. And to me, that’s what is important so that MAYBE, just maybe it might be possible to catch some of these young men(and it is mostly males who do this kind of thing) before they lose it completely. Something is missing in a life that is so filled with anger and pain, what is that something?

And I’m not just talking about terrorists here either, I am also talking about guys who shoot up schools, movie theaters or they kill their families and then themselves. What happens to make people go there and is there something we can do in our communities to help stop this? IMO that’s why it’s important to try to pick the brain of someone who commits crimes like this, so that maybe we can start figuring out how to stop that level of hate before it gains a foothold over someone.