
Nightmare Debt-Default Scenario Looks More Likely Every Day

Birth Control Works9/26/2013 12:20:39 pm PDT

re: #244 klys

I know, I’ve heard it from some of my own relatives.

Who promptly ignore all of the advantages that I’ve had that have allowed me to do this.

I mean, yes, I’m in a pretty decent position for someone my age. But I am the exception and there was a lot of stuff that had to line up just so for me to do so. I got a full scholarship for undergraduate, for example - tuition, room, and board. Graduate school in the sciences = paid for. A pretty solidly upper-middle class upbringing + some very strict financial rules drilled into my head by my parents where you don’t spend money you don’t have. Credit cards should be a debit card you pay off once a month.

But trying to do retirement planning at my age sucks.

Yeah, I grew-up with those rules as well. Who needs more than one TV or a phone that is not attached to the wall by a cord?

It’s not the same world in which my parents lived. The only people I know who can keep that level of financial solvency are making way, way more than comes into my household.

What is the big problem? Mostly medical bills.