
New Year's Eve Open Thread

Kragar12/31/2013 7:18:11 pm PST

Franklin Graham chides Christians for not fighting beside Phil Robertson in ‘religious war’

In a statement issued on Monday, Franklin Graham — son of legendary televangelist Billy Graham and CEO of his Evangelical Association — complained about Christians who were unwilling to fight beside Phil Robertson in the “religious war against Christians and the biblical truths [they] stand for.”

“I appreciate the Robertson family’s strong commitment to biblical principles and their refusal to back down under intense media pressure over Phil Robertson’s comments in a recent interview,” Graham wrote. “As the Robertson controversy winds down—at least for now—I have been amazed at how many churches have apparently ‘ducked’ out on the issue (sin).”

He chastised those churches that “have fallen into the trap of being politically correct, under the disguise of tolerance.”

“God is not ‘politically correct,’” he wrote, “and He is certainly not tolerant of sin.”