
Monday Night Art: Steven Wilson, "Routine"

lawhawk11/03/2015 10:08:55 am PST

re: #255 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

It has to do with how corporations are formed, and the rules behind how much information is shared with other jurisdictions. The study points to how easily you can create a corporation in certain states, and they are very good at shielding that information from public scrutiny. That enables companies to potentially shield assets from foreign governments.

That’s what’s going on here - not just that jurisdiction X has lax tax laws where a company or person can set up shop to avoid paying taxes elsewhere.

In the US there’s an entire industry dedicated to reducing tax burdens for corporations by enabling new corporate structures to reduce tax obligations - like where a major company like McDonalds might look at captive REITs or spinoffs or other types of subsidiary structures to reduce the tax burden, instead of outright ownership.