
RNC Official Falsely Accuses Clinton of Plagiarism

Testy Toad T7/29/2016 1:37:47 pm PDT

re: #234 HappyWarrior

Ronald Reagan did not invent faith in your country and that tomorrow can be better than today conservatives. Pretty much all our ancestors had that at some point. That’s something Reagan to his credit got. So, when you claim that the Dems stole or co-opted your message, you’re really missing the point which is that hope, love of country, and faith in something other than yourself is universal and goes beyond left or right. It’s something we have here in 2016 and it’s something we had in the darkest days of the Depression and in the most prosperous of times.

If your big complaint is that the Democrats somehow stole your message, your first question should be “why/how”.

/had to make dinner, sorry if this was covered