
Samantha Bee Apologizes for Calling Ivanka Trump the C-Word - All Videos From Her Latest Show Are Deleted From YouTube

Targetpractice5/31/2018 2:30:37 pm PDT

re: #224 JordanRules

I understand what you’re saying but I also understand what the no ammo crowd is trying to say. Will the cult lie and make up an outrage out of thin air? Yes. Always yes. We can’t be held hostage by them and fears about how they will react.
But in this specific instance they had a hook, there was one and it was a loaded word (that was not sexist in use). Sam goes after them this hard on every show. It wasn’t just her going after Ivanka, they needed a dirty word after Roseanne made them feel like uber victims who were being silenced. The timing means a lot. But no, I don’t think anyone would have given a damn about that segment without the fire words.

So we’re back to arguing that full-blow racism is on par with a naughty word. And so long as we keep allowing ourselves to get involved in that argument, they’re going to keep gaining ground on us. Why? Because the wingnuts and media don’t mention the debate we’re engaged in, they show us a uniform group for the purposes of arguing “BOTH SIDES!”