
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Ignored Coronavirus Warnings; Pence Refused to Wear a Mask

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)4/30/2020 9:02:28 am PDT

re: #240 Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)

i get what everyone’s saying and i dont really disagree

i was thinking along the original lines of ‘easier to explain’ as in explain

not so much get people to ‘accept/blame/scapegoat’

Well, why does it have to be a lab? Virus/diseases are already known to jump species lines periodically; swine flu, etc. etc. without having been specifically engineered. So having a pandemic virus being artificially modified into being human contagious doesn’t really help “explain” it any better. If anything it’s adding complication to the explanation of its origin by positing that human intervention was required.