
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/21/2009 1:51:49 pm PDT

Now just to sum up about Mr. Strata.

1. He outright lies about the mechanism of CO2 producing heat in the atmosphere. This has been very well established science for quite some time. The mechanism itself is not even that difficult to understand. The calculations are of course more difficult, but why CO2 must heat your planet should by now be obivous. To falsely attempt to discredit that core science, put Mr. Strata in the same category as someone like disgraced Dr. Behe.

2. He has outright lied multiple times. This has been clearly shown. He made false claims about NASA’s programs and what the data says. It was just a lie.

3. He snarks at the peer review process. Real scientists understand that peer reviewed papers with large numbers of citations are considered the most weighty.

4. He does all of this while presenting himself as one with real credentials from NASA in a false attempt to create a non-existent controversy. This is up and up a classic denier tactic. How many times have we seen it?

He posts a bogus paper with bogus claims and then tries to present it as the equal of the actual bulk of real published science and the consensus of the community. This is a classic denier tactic. He even used the words evidence of controversy when I brought real papers debunking him.

Now I hope that I have sufficiently made the case that look, this guy is a liar and a fraud when it comes to the science. What else needs to be shown?