
Do Religious Fanatics Have the Right to Conduct Exorcisms in the Workplace?

Cheechako11/12/2010 10:05:37 pm PST


Stopped by to “observe” the ballot counting for the Alaska Senate seat. Very interesting to watch.
Here’s some photos and comments:

Ballot Counting Room

Note that the Official Observers were not given chairs. There are 15 ballot counting stations with each having one observer from each candidate.

Ballot Counting

The boxes on the tables are used to sort the ballots during counting.
- unchallenged and counted
- challenged but counted
- challenged and not counted
- ballots for other candidates

Ballots to be Counted

This appears to be the ballots yet to be counted as of this afternoon.

The counting should be completed by early next week. Radio and TV reports are that Lisa Murkowski will win the election. Over 90% of the ballots counted have been filled out correctly and have the oval filled in.

It was a real privilege to watch history in the making.