
Milo Yiannopoulos' Posts Are Actually Written by "About 44" Gamergate Clowns

ObserverArt4/01/2016 9:17:49 am PDT

Bernie wants everything to be ideal. His supporters want the ideal.

Nothing is ideal, and that counts for Bernie too.

I have a suspicion things are going to be very testy from here on out. I had hoped it wouldn’t get to this, but Bernie keeps pushing about her speeches, etc.

Jeff Weaver from his campaign said last night that as long as they do not mention Hillary by name in an ad, then it is not negative. To me that is very misleading. They are going to do ads that will be very clear as to who they are targeting and think they are not negative.

I’d have more respect if they would just admit they are going to go negative. To me it shows more deception on Bernie’s part. And his supporters will eat it up.

I’m really disappointed in Bernie these days. I used to be impressed.