
Video: White Supremacist Leaders Celebrate the Trump Campaign

lawhawk8/25/2016 6:07:48 am PDT

re: #242 HappyWarrior

Exactly. Shit feels like ACORN all over again but on a global level.

I’ve been saying that - and there’s even less to this nontroversy over the Clinton Foundation than there was with ACORN.

After all, Trump, the Bushes, and others donated significant sums to the Foundation - and got nothing in return. That pretty much undermines the entire argument right there.

The right wing attacks on the Foundation have as much to do with the kind of works that the Foundation does overseas as who’s on the letterhead - Clintons.

Never mind that the Clintons don’t take any money from the foundation as salary, haven’t done anything except used their position to raise awareness and funding for fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa. And that right there is why the GOP is going nuts.

The Clintons are helping people in Africa fight HIV/AIDS (the same disease that Reagan ignored for years, and even then considered it a gay scourge and right wingers to this day think is a plague meant to wipe out gays for their evil ways). So, you get a mix of Clinton-hate and religious bigotry heaped on top of each other.

You just have to ignore that there’s nothing there.

Look, GWB and GHWB have worked with the Clintons and their health initiatives, particularly in dealing with AIDS (one of the few positive things GWB did re: foreign policy) (see here)

Of course, the nuts think that the “scam” started with Haiti aid (which was a GHWB-Clinton initiative). There’s no reasoning with fact-free nonsensical ravings.