
New From Seth Meyers: Trump Shakes Up His Campaign as Biden's Lead Grows

A Mom Anon7/17/2020 10:41:59 am PDT

OK, do the people of Portland have any legal recourse in this “anonymous camo cop” bullshit? It can’t be legal on any level. Please tell me it’s not. So can the governor, mayor and the people kidnapped and messed with sue or get a judge to force the issue and make them quit this shit? This crap of cops wearing any sort of camo has to go too. They aren’t military.

And may the fleas of one million camels infest the crotches of all responsible for the mess and ALL the rest of it. Also too, rusty farm implements and rabid wolverines, guess the rest.

Edit to add: I wonder if it’s possible to follow these fucks around from a distance and find out who they are as individuals. They need to be exposed.