
Today in Trump Chaos: Trump Calls on Congress to Approve $2,000 Stimulus Checks, Hinting He Might Not Sign Relief Bill

ckkatz12/23/2020 3:24:01 pm PST

Not to be a contrarian, but they do look consistent with suspected Iranian manufactured Haseb 107mm rockets. Including the English stenciled information. (These rockets were designed by China as Type 63 in the 1950’s)

The things laying next to the tip of the rocket are the fuses. Those make the projectile explode. They appear to be pd (Point detonating) with graze function. (Still explode even when rocket does not make a direct hit.) The fuses were likely removed to minimize any chance of the warhead going off.

The wires at the bottom may be connected to the igniters.

A common tactic is to lay the rockets on rails generally pointed at the desired target. Then connect the igniter to a timer. The crew then scoots long before the rocket goes off. Based upon their condition, it is unlikely that they fired.