
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

tradewind2/15/2009 7:28:39 pm PST

re: #178 ggt

Hobby breeders don’t work to further the breed, even if they believe that they do. I understand what you mean, as in working towards that genetic ideal, but doing that today really requires more than a dog enthusiast with a fertile bitch and a love for the particular breed. It requires money, lots of time and research, and the ability to travel. When you see an ad that says ’ both parents on site’….. you don’t want that. (Actually, when you see an ad, you don’t want that). It’s unlikely that the ideal match for that wonderful female would be living in the same house.
Puppy mills should be shut down. Period. I’m not saying that any law will completely stop them, but this is one area where the democratic saw ’ the perfect is the enemy of the good’ really does apply.
(Wrong thread for this, sorry, ya’ll…. I’m done now).