
Le Pen Calls Nazi Gas Chambers 'A Detail' of WWII

Occasional Reader4/05/2009 2:43:40 pm PDT


Back from a road bike ride. Off for a quick mountain bike ride. I am reluctantly admitting that, while I love the sleek lines of the road bike, I have much more fun on the mountain bike.

Anyway, here’s Mark Steyn, on Why We’re Going to Hell in a Handbasket, Part 367,423:

President Sarkozy, the Times of London reported, “said that the summit provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give capitalism a conscience.” What he means by “a conscience” is a global regulatory regime that ensures there’s nowhere to move to. If you’re France, which has a sluggish, uncompetitive, protectionist, high-unemployment business environment whose best and brightest abandon the country in ever-greater droves, it obviously makes sense to force the entire planet to submit to the same growth-killing measures that have done wonders for your own economy. But it’s not good news for the rest of the world.