
From Rural Georgia to the White House

Dreader196210/08/2009 11:51:39 am PDT

re: #248 iceweasel

this is the first time I’d seen any of the comments from the Fox News forum on this. Absolutely unbelievable, no inhibitions whatsoever. WTF is wrong with these people?

Next time someone tells me there is no more racism in America I’m just going to point them to this post.

All those jingoistic flagwavin’ Real Uhmerkins there can’t even find it in themselves to be proud of their country, or let up on their Obama hate, long enough to admit that at least one line in Obama’s speeches has always been true— that in no other country on earth is a story like his, and his wife’s, even possible. How can anyone decent read that NYT article and come away with anything other than amazement, pride, and gratitude for what America has always been and still is?— the one place on earth where such a story can happen.


Kind of like the inauguration dance to ‘At Last’ - I thought that was great, even though I didn’t vote for Obama. People even found enough hate for that event.

Of course, I’ve always been a sucker for the romantic.