
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

Guanxi8810/08/2009 5:31:49 pm PDT

re: #230 SixDegrees

The GOP’s message to the religious right ought to be “Get the fuck off my lawn!”

I’ve told it before, but it fits here & now so here goes.

In the town where I was raised, we were THE JEWISH FAMILY; honestly, that’s how we were known.

Anyway, we used to get pamphleteers and such from this, that, and the other groups coming by to offer their information. Most were very nice about it, and they were, in general, sincerely concerned for our well-being as they understood it. You can’t fault a person for wanting you should go to Heaven, after all, and they weren’t pushy or rude about it, so were were always very pleasant. Iced tea, that sorta thing.

Except this one guy, who had a chip on his shoulder. We thanked him, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and so my mother went to close the door. he put his foot in the way.

Without pausing, she calls to me “Boy, get my gun!” and, dutiful son that I was, I did.

I hear her saying to him, “Mister, if you don’t move that foot, we’re gonna find out if you’re right or not.”

And he disappeared like the dew of the morning from the grass.