
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

Rightwingconspirator8/13/2010 1:14:43 pm PDT

re: #233 tradewind

Without regard for ( or addressing ) the arguments pro and con the project, here’s a thought as to why so many reasonable people are so emotional and upset about the proposed construction:
9-11 was a singular, and seminal event in our nation’s history, much more than just one of those ’ where were you when ’ moments. Many people were, and are so marked by the trauma of that day that… regardless of measured distances or other statistics re the location… they cannot imagine this building as an acceptable part of what to them is an area to be revered.
Again, this is not my personal argument for or against… it’s just a reason I believe that the Cordoba House is such a hot button for many.
I’m specifically excluding from this argument/group those who hate all Muslims or think they are all un-American… because their opinion is irrelevant.

We approach the time where we must sit ourselves down and admit where we did overreact, and where we are over reacting. We need to stop overreacting.

I think your post makes a great case as to why and how many are overreacting to 9/11. Many would argue we are not there yet and all this hysteria is perfectly reasonable. To them I can only say I’m not living that way. And leave all the constitutional rights intact, or face real serious opposition.