
O'Keefe's Creepy Plan Detailed

boredtechindenver9/30/2010 12:43:04 am PDT

In the ongoing Boredtechindenver’s home buying saga:
So yesterday (Tuesday) we had the inspection. The inspector found the furnace blower fan didn’t work, there weren’t CO detector/alarms (man, I should have seen that), some outlets didn’t have ground wires, no GFI outlets in the garage, etc., etc., and on and on.

Then today, it was highly suggested that I get the sewer line scoped. One two foot section has a break, and there is a 4 to 6 foot section where the sludge (which is a euphemism) gathers, and the TP and other sediment have taken up residence, but water flows.

These are the reasons I was never in the market to buy. And now I am wondering if I put an offer on the right house. $500/month more is a lot of money, but I am wondering.

I also see a great need, but damned if I will share the idea. (back in 1999 i had the idea for putting MLS online but never did anything about it. I know there were probably sites in the bay area, but at my old job at “We Are Big Intertubez”, I never had a customer pushing that idea. Lots of porn houses, etc, but no real estate sites. That started 2 years later.