
US Warns Hundreds of People Named in Wikileaks Cables

KingKenrod1/07/2011 10:56:36 am PST

re: #255 simoom

It’s irritating hearing “ObamaCare” over and over and over on the floor of Congress. Is the PPACA or the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” or H.R. 3590 or “Healthcare Reform” or even “the recently passed healthcare legislation” so difficult to say? Though I suppose that battle has been long lost with the major cable news channel reporters using the ObamaCare euphemism for some time now, and with even NPR using it sporadically, lately…

On a related note, besides mentioning the CBO scoring and some of the more popular provisions, the Dems should definitely bring up, in their floor speeches, the recent PPACA-related small business healthcare data that’s been reported:



You could say the same thing about “Bush tax cuts”, which were just extended by an all-Democratic controlled government. Making issues about personalities to make them more emotional is the unfortunate standard.