
Glenn Greenwald Retweets "If Obama Were Consistent He'd Bomb Israel," Then Deletes It

A Mom Anon8/09/2014 5:17:29 am PDT

So I’m steeling myself and what little reserve I might have for a visit to the hospital today to see my friend who is dying. He’s still in a semi coma, they’re easing him out of that to move the vent into his trachea so he can be awake and talk to people. He doesn’t know the doctors have only given him a week to live yet. He knew back in April he was at stage 3, he doesn’t know he’s gone to stage 4 because he’s been in a medically induced coma for over a week now. I’m not sure how in the hell I’m going to walk in there and quietly talk to him and not completely lose my shit. The cancer has now spread to his entire chest cavity, his lymph nodes and they found a couple of small tumors in his brain. They never could treat his cancer because he was full of blood clots in his arms lungs, arms, legs and neck. 47 yrs old. Same age as The Husband. Fuck.

I swear, the next fool I hear whining about spending tax dollars on such foolish things as “fruit fly research” or anything related is getting a throat punch from me. Maybe I should just carry a big old science textbook around to smack idiots with. It seems appropriate at this point.

Later lizards, keep a good thought, lots of people are just heartbroken over this, I can think of no less that 50 people who are just devastated about this mess.