
Ben Carson Thinks Hamas Is a Delicious Spread Made From Mashed Chickpeas

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/03/2015 4:00:17 pm PST

re: #255 Decatur Deb

Yunz originally from Da Burgh?

Da Burgh? Do you mean Pittsburgh, or some other Burgh?

I am originally from Michigan, a tiny town in the middle of the mitten. I joined the Navy to see the world, got bounced out after seventeen years when I developed epilepsy, bounced around further when my first wife divorced me over that, and landed in Oklahoma where I met my current wife (whew, what a run-on sentence).

I escaped when Mary Fallin was elected governor, and now live amongst the tumbleweeds with my wife on the High Plains.

I was elected in a special election to my village board (surprised even me) in 2012, and was re-elected in 2014 (defeating the gun shop owner in town by four votes).