
Seth Meyers: Southwest Airlines Contradicts Fox News, Says Chaos Not Caused by Vaccine Mandate

Nerdy Fish10/14/2021 10:45:14 am PDT

re: #261 JOE 🥓

“Cause Jesus said so!’

100 years ago the state with the most radical Socialist Party in the US was Oklahoma. The Rich didn’t like that so they poured money into the state to fill it with endless Xtian revivals led by Pulpit Pimp Billy Sunday.

End result you have a full blown Xtian theocracy that faces it’s warped shit on everyone.

Jesus never said a single goddamned thing about miscarriages. (He didn’t say anything about abortions either, but let’s not go there for the moment.) Criminalizing a woman just for being a woman is the stupidest goddamn policy.