
Libyan Wacko Hopes for Al Qaeda Change

Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)1/21/2009 5:03:59 pm PST

re: #254 FloridaAnole

I have an ugly presentiment that Obama may take Gadaffy’s (spelling intentional) advice, to show his (O’s) willingness to “dialogue” with our enemies, especially the crazier ones — c.f., the Jimmy Carter Playbook.

O/T - WHERE IS MY UNICORN?! The Big O has been in office for a day, and my unicorn still hasn’t arrived! (I was visiting other blogs today, and a lot of their commenters were complaining that they hadn’t received their unicorns, either. I did get a small package in the mail, and I was hoping it was the promised Pixie Dust, but instead it seemed to be a small sample bottle of liquid, Dreck Shampoo or something — maybe snake oil?

We all got ours this morning (mine tasted good). Did you send in your form?