
Gregg Withdraws As Commerce Secretary

Captain Jack2/12/2009 4:36:43 pm PST

I sent Sen Gregg this e-mail:
Dear Sen. Gregg,
You are truly a man of courage for declining the Sec. of Commerce position. I was initially outraged and felt betrayed, and e-mailed you such thoughts, when I first heard about your intentions. I appreciate your reconsideration and feel you have made the honorable choice. I believed that there could be no common ground between you and a Democrat that promises people something for nothing and tries to pretend there will be no severe consequences from simply printing money to solve a problem that only time and fiscal austerity can unravel.
I also feel the demonization of the private sector and “free” market for a economic problem caused by market distortions initiated by government policy to have the GSEs Fannie and Freddie buy sub-prime mortgages is sheer obfuscation. Wall Street was merely the executioners of US Government policy. The media will not educate the public because the editors and producers of our media are liberal democrats and want them to succeed for deep seated ideological reasons. Please take a leading role in educating the public through your high profile as a US Senator. The media must cover your statements and cannot commit “bias by omission”.
Thank you again Senator you are a patriot. Your true character is demonstrated by being able to recognize a mistake and correct it.

George Kotal