
FBI Mosque Informer: A Convicted Con Artist

The Shadow Do5/01/2009 11:45:18 pm PDT

re: #259 Van Helsing

OK. Quick (hopefully accurate) version.

Bowman (Dave) has been forcefully evolved by the Monolith. While he is quite advanced from humankind he is still an infant in the Monolith culture.

He is sent back to Earth to observe and report.
The ‘space baby’ (Starchild in the book IIRC) is detected by earth defenses and they lob a couple of missiles out which (paraphrasing) ‘the Starchild grasps in it’s hand and harmlessly detonates. It then gazes down on it’s planet and wonders what it will do with it….’

It doesn’t quite fit with 2010, where the starchild manifests as Bowman and acts as a warning to earth.

I could be wrong, it’s been a long time since I read them all so I’m open to corrections.

Well, kind of sorry I asked. All that stuff is just kind of, well, weird….