
Beach Ball

262 6:59:40 pm PDT

re: #155 Sharmuta

The other day, I’m sitting on main street when three ambulances go screaming past, all headed the same direction, within a 10 minute span. A block away from where I was sitting was an intersection with lights.

The first ambulance got to the intersection in question and a car in front of him sat there, not moving- ambulance is completely stuck behind this car. When if finally did move, it moved slowly. Finally pulled out of the way for the ambulance after about a minute plus. Couldn’t believe it.

The second ambulance was a few minutes later. It too got stuck in traffic at the same intersection as no cars seems to know what to do with an ambulance on their bumper. That ambulance lost about 45 seconds at the lights.

The third ambulance came a few minutes after that, and I thought, “perhaps the third time is the charm?” It was.

Still amazing to see such idiots are allowed to operate heavy machinery.

Maybe the cars were filled with deaf drivers.