
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

goddamnedfrank10/21/2009 5:41:02 pm PDT

re: #234 AJStrata

There are two sets of data over the past 30 years. The satellite data (using a single calibrated instrument to measure all points on the globe) shows no significant warming. The ground sensors are not a single instrument, but various instruments of varying quality and precision and placing. The ground network is basically crap. It is not calibrated or maintained to a level that will produce or sense tenth of a degree values. Even if they did, they are so sparsely located they only measure local effects (a few feet) versus the satellites which use a uniform measurement and sense broad areas and up and down the air column.

The 30 year data record I was referring to is of direct satellite measurements of solar irradiance, not the Earth surface temp record. Solar irradiance has not varied by more than 0.1%, or 1.3W/m**2 over that entire period. This is why I say there is no evidence that solar variation is responsible for the current warming on any planet. The inverse-square law only compounds the abject failure of the solar variance “theory” to be conducive to reality.