
Photo of the Day

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/26/2011 9:56:07 pm PDT

The problem I have with CAP, even though it’s not a looney bin or out in the no-man’s-land of nut-hood like real left wing organizations, is that ideological think tanks (of any stripe) are not really open to the big, big questions if the answers that come back undermine the mission of the people at the top.

This is true of any organization which is ideologically bound.

ThinkProgress might be a useful site for news pushers and bloggers, but I wonder how much it really affects the majority (or even large minority groups) of Americans?

Only the small fraction of the population (like us here) who are wonky enough to care about researching issues really get into the finer points of policies and information and politics.

Most Americans tonight are watching football, or DWTS, or the new Fox dino-series, rather than reading books or websites about the issues of the day.

That’s just the way it is.