
Clint Eastwood's Superbowl Commercial: It's Halftime in America

Ziggy_TARDIS2/05/2012 9:55:59 pm PST

re: #256 Dark_Falcon

At this point, I advocate the Israelis doing a big solution, with West Bank becoming Palestinian territory. It would have no military of it’s own, but would be under Jordanian Protection. In addition, more freedom of land ownership in both would be available. The settlers could stay if they acceded to being a minority. They would get Police protection/Israeli Military for a decade or two, as things cooled down.

However, an independent Palestine does not matter to me. They are a piece I would like Jordan to control, as I eventually want a Jordan strong enough to directly confront Saudi. The Palestinians can be sacrificed to get rid of that menace (one thing the lady I mentioned earlier has criticized me for is being very Machiavellian.)

Jerusalem would become an independent city state, with both ceding land. It would act like a fusion of Andorra and Singapore. Most things would be handled by city legislature, but the Heads of State would be the President of Israel, the Hashemite King of Jordan, and the Archbishop of Canterbury. They would handle Religious Affairs and Maintenance of Buildings. The Anglican Church is not involved in the Retarded Inter-Christian Fighting about Churches, so he gets to take care of that.

In a Final Treaty, the Archbishop of Canterbury would also get the Authority to do this with all churches in what is Israel AND Palestine. He will be in charge of Maintenance and keeping order.

Also, if Assad falls, we will likely have to send Troops, along with other nations, to prevent a massively bloody and vicious civil war from breaking out, and to protect the minorities.

We need to prepare for this now.