
Louisiana GOP Bigot Changes Mind on School Vouchers Because Muslims

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/06/2012 6:27:47 pm PDT

Understand the depth of the atavism amongst the fundamentalists:

Christian bookstores and their chokehold on the industry

A lot of folks have been expressing outrage and surprise over the fact that LifeWay Christian bookstores recently banned the movie “The Blind Side” from their shelves due to language and objectionable content. The 2009 biographical film about a black high school student adopted by a white Christian family is rated PG-13 and became something of an evangelical darling when it released, receiving endorsements from Christianity Today and Focus on the Family.

But Florida pastor Rodney Baker of Hopeful Baptist Church submitted a resolution to the Southern Baptist Convention, demanding that LifeWay pull the film. Lifeway bowed to the pressure from Baker, and removed the movie from their shelves—a response that Baker saw as obedient yielding to the Holy Spirit. “Thank you,” he said “for listening to the voices of the overwhelming majority of Florida Baptist Convention messengers, the voice of this resolution, and above all the voice of the Holy Spirit to remove ‘The Blind Side’ from Lifeway Christian Book Stores.”

As the Christian Post reports, Baker still intends to submit the resolution the convention as a way of “sending a message about LifeWay and the content of its products.”

Those of you who followed “vaginagate”—in which I was asked to remove the word “vagina” from my upcoming book in deference to Christian bookstore standards—will know that I’m not at all surprised by this story.


The “V” word - to hot to handle.

And here these same Christian fundamentalists whine about SHARIAH!!