
Host of Conference Feat. Cruz, Huckabee & Jindal Says He'd "Spread Cow Manure All Over" His Body

lawhawk11/09/2015 8:32:26 am PST


It’s early to be talking polls, but since the GOP is fixated on them, here’s a reminder of why they need to drag Hillary through the mud and worse - she’s kicking ass and taking names. Every last one of the GOPers who are currently in the race are losing to her in head to head matchups. They need to drag Hillary’s numbers down, or else they stand no chance next year.

That’s why they needed the Benghazi hearings. That’s why they need to dredge up all the past scandals/non-scandals/outrageous outrages/nontroversies/etc. to try and hit Hillary. And yet we’ve had 2 decades of vetting of Hillary so these “scandals” aren’t helping the GOP close the gap.

That said, the Democrats better GOTV or else that’ll be moot. Especially down-ticket races.