
In the Latest Heartless Move by This Awful Administration, Trump Is Telling 200,000 Legal Salvadoran Residents to Get Out of the US

Blind Frog Belly White1/08/2018 4:29:23 pm PST

re: #257 HappyWarrior

Exactly. Said better than I could. I get tired of older boomers and even Gen Xers who crap on pyople in my generation for not being rah rah capitalism and I just feel like saying gude do you even consider how much regulations we had when you were growing up. We never were your capitalist wet dream. Your beloved 1950’s? Probably among the most socialist time we’ve ever been as a nation and we prospered. I don’t see socialism as a cure all but I certainly don’t see their vision of capitalism either because it’s based on a lie.

Capitalism is a religion to them, rather than a tool.