
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Contradicts Experts on Coronavirus Treatment After Months of Denial

KGxvi4/07/2020 2:26:49 pm PDT

re: #245 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Have to agree. He just isn’t polling well. Could he still win re-election? Of course but I think the odds are against it right now. I really think the country is going to want something resembling a normal President after all this madness. I agree with your 40-40 rule. We’re not going to see an epic landslide either way as much as I would love to see Biden humiliate Trump.

‘84 was a landslide 58.8-40.6 for Reagan
‘80 was close to a landslide 50.7-41-6.6 (probably would have been worse if Anderson wasn’t on the ballot)
‘72 was 60.7-37.5 for Nixon (which just makes Watergate look even stupider in context)
‘64 was 61.1-38.5 for LBJ

I don’t think it’ll be that bad. But something like 2008 - 53-45 with Trump failing to break 200 in the electoral college seems plausible.