
Overnight Open Thread

SilentAlfa8/12/2010 8:58:53 am PDT

re: #252 celticdragon

Cool…but it is disturbing nonetheless that radicalism is so prevalent among young Muslims that you have to have an “anti terror summer camp”. Yeesh.

It would seem to me that it’s a pretty self-destructive cycle we have going on here. Why are there young Muslims who turn to radicalism? Because they live in a society where they turn on the local news and see stories about “terrorbabies” and protests against Islam and reverends who say there is a War on Islam. And so if you see that there is a war specifically against Muslims, then as a Muslim, shouldn’t you defend yourself? And then why do people hate Muslims? Because there are terrorists who are Muslims.

I’m not defending terrorism, but I think it’s extremely important for us to understand why people become terrorists. How can we defeat terrorism unless we defeat the root cause? Obviously it cannot be defeated on the battlefield, it’s an idea and not an army.