
GOP Budget: No More Color Copies for the Pentagon

ausador4/05/2011 12:32:17 pm PDT

LOL, perhaps I would be interested if I gave a f*ck about this country anymore, since I am already making travel plans and don’t anticipate coming back? Have fun guys, I honestly hope it somehow works out in the end is about all I can say.

Interesting note: I am still getting flak on being issued a passport, even though in the past the government found it useful to ignore my record and gave me passes to anywhere I wanted. I still have a slightly expired “No Armed Escort Required” pass to Elmendorf AFB’s ammo dumps. I was flown out of there several times to do security installation work at other sites in and out of the state. (think bunkers that may or then again may not contain WMD’s “We can neither confirm nor deny…” :p)

Now the State department is giving me grief on trying to get a current passport? Jesus, these people are vindictive, just because I want to leave they seem to think I might be some kind of security risk. (Ok, maybe they have a kind of point, maybe, but my past work has nothing to do my wanting to leave.)