
Stephen Colbert: Tonight We Are All Phil Robertson

Rightwingconspirator12/20/2013 3:33:18 pm PST

re: #211 ObserverArt

Are you just seeing it one way though? How about letting it play out and see if it is another building block in things changing. Stuff takes time. You’d have to admit with what happened in a state like Utah today when viewed against Phil DuckHead it is going to make people really have to think and when viewed historically is another block in the building of gay rights.

Maybe they are a dynamic reflective of the times and the reactions on both sides are of that reflection. Ducks one day, two days later Utah. Rather dramatic.

If someone could plot out the line from say something like the Stonewall Riots in 1969 to where gay rights are this very day, I’d think you’d be impressed with that plot line and a rather rapid increase in the last say, five years. Is the reaction on that same kind of a line?

Just one way? Not at all. I just found the idea that engaging Phil Robertson as suggested might be better all the way around. This has proven rather… unpopular. There are reformed bigots, people who changed. What’s the best way to make that happen? maybe engagement ain’t such a bad idea. I’m having a hard time coming to the conclusion it’s a bad idea.