
John Oliver's Powerful Piece on Ferguson and Police Militarization

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/22/2014 9:29:39 am PDT

I just wonder about our country sometimes. Sometimes, we seem to be making a lot of genuine progress. I’m glad to see that SSM is practically a non issue to people my age for instance but OTOH I will read internet comments where people describe African Americans in ways that they were described in the Jim Crow era. So far we’ve come and yet so far to go. It’s strange to say but I am actually more disillusioned under Obama’s presidency than I was under Bush’s. That’s not a slight on Obama himself who has tried to and done a lot of good but the fact is that we still have a long way to go and there’s still a lot of people out there who haven’t even conceded defeat in the Civil Rights movement battles let alone our present ones.