
The Worst Human Being on Twitter Spews Racist Hate Speech at John Legend

Targetpractice2/23/2015 8:41:48 am PST

re: #261 TedStriker

Hey, IMO, the only ST:TOS movie that was debateably bad was V: The Final Frontier; ST: TMP was the bridge that brought the franchise into feature films and the story was originally written for TV as the pilot for the ST: Phase Two series that was to anchor a planned Paramount TV network in the late 70s. I’ve seen both the theatrical cut and the director’s cut (that Robert Wise and Paramount put together in the late 90s); the director’s cut smoothed out a lot of the rough edges and, to me, is the definitive version of the film.

The Search for Spock isn’t bad at all; in fact, Christopher Lloyd’s Kruge makes the movie, for one.

TMP’s problem is that it was paced like an ant pushing a brick up a hill. It did well to at least help the TV series make the transition to the big screen, but it lacked the action that had made the TV series popular. Search for Spock was a good film, it just had compete with Wrath of Khan and came up short. Final Frontier, we speak not of. Generations had an identity crisis between being the first outing of the TNG crew and a “passing of the torch” film. Insurrection was just forgettable. And Nemesis was godawful.