
Joe Biden Speaks Out: "We Have an American President Who Has Emboldened White Supremacists"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/27/2017 3:28:52 pm PDT

The New York Times is back on the “This is the moment he became presidential” train again, by praising Trump for his tweets.

Storm Response Showed a President Engaged in the Unfolding Drama

Apparently they are reading a different Twitter feed than the rest of the world, and “access” is so important they will say anything to get it.

On Friday, as Hurricane Harvey began lashing the Gulf Coast, and throughout the weekend, Mr. Trump posted regular updates on the status of the storm and praise for the government’s response. He held two teleconferences with members of his cabinet, announced that he would travel to Texas on Tuesday, and signed a federal disaster proclamation for the state.

It was a calculated display of energetic presidential leadership — one hardly unique to the Trump administration. But it also revealed a president who was genuinely engaged by the drama unfolding in Texas, certainly more so than he has been by other pressing issues facing his administration, like tax reform or a repeal of the Affordable Care Act.