
Saudi Arabia Moves In

pre-Boomer Marine brat1/23/2009 7:28:39 pm PST

re: #226 UberInfidel67

This is a Marine with 24+ years of service…Infantry. He hit an IED about a year and a half ago…they told him 6 months recovery and then physical therapy. He said “Fuck that” and was back in less than two. lol lol lol lol Instead of Jarhead it should be Hardhead.

This is gonna be WAY over-simplified, but you might watch out for him after he retires. Sounds like he fits the stereotype of … “the Corps is all he has”. They can have a hard time adjusting to retirement, and sometimes don’t live too long afterwards unless they find something else to put themselves into.

/just sayin’ … and as I said, it’s over-simplied and stereotypical