
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

alegrias4/29/2009 1:06:58 pm PDT

re: #182 SFGoth

Anyone else notice that since the 90’s you really don’t hear about fathers abandoning their families as much as they used to decades ago? My theory is that the fathers were gay men who were pressured into marriage and procreation to avoid being outed (I don’t mean this literally, but they conformed to hide their orientation) and then just had to escape, whereas nowadays, at least most gay men aren’t pressured into settling down and having a family. Just my thought.

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You must not live near public housing where teenage girls push baby carriages and “baby daddies” sell drugs at night in the open air drug markets here in Metro Washington DC.

Marriage is a four letter word in this community to judge by its absence.