
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/02/2009 2:00:51 pm PDT

re: #239 CyanSnowHawk

Okay, we get it, the GOP is entirely made up of uneducated racist bible-thumping rednecks.

/That’s a surprisingly broad brush you use there, do you have to order special paint trays for it or are they available in aisle 24 at Condescension Depot?

No actually. There are of course still rank and file GOP types who are bitterly disappointed in the direction the party has gone, but because they can not stomach the Democrats still hang on to the illusion that the party leadership and core base hves completely changed.

Now, one look at the rhetoric coming from the GOP these days tells you exactly where they are aiming.

When was the last time you saw a concerted effort by the GOP to have fiscal responsibility? The only one I know of in recent memory who reallyy thought like that was John McCain, who is considered a RINO by the base.

ON the other hand, we see lots and lots of Ron PAul, Palin, Huckabee, Jindal, Rush, Beck et al… speaking for the party. What is the consistent drumbeat of their message? Surely it is not a message that Goldwater or Reagan would recognize as Republican.

Dobson, Falwell types and Pat Robertson might. Ronulans might, but not the old school GOP. The Old GOP is dead. It is gone the way of the dinosaurs that the new GOP doesn’t believe in.