
Drudge and the Deniers

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/27/2009 6:23:00 pm PST

re: #263 Bagua

You twist and turn and repeat yourself

I do, because you’re apparently not accepting what I’m saying. You responded to a quote about Darwinian evolution being as proven as AGW. If you didn’t notice it was about Darwinian evolution, then fine, but it was.

I was criticizing something written in a newspaper, not a blog, and I am not criticising “a flaw in their writing” rather I am criticising a major flaw in their argument.

At most, you’re picking at a nit in the argument. The theory of AGW is solid, based on the most elementary of physics, and has been shown to be true through empirical data. It is actually a theory older than the field of genetics, discounting Mendel.

Basically, given that CO2 causes a greenhouse effect, which has been known for more than a hundred years, and given the rate which the human race has been increasing CO2 in atmosphere, there should be a default assumption of global warming. There are mechanisms, biological and physical, that moderate how CO2 acts in atmosphere, but they do not nullify it.

Again, you seem prone to answering what you claim I am implying, rather than what I actually wrote. I did not say “that cancers only arise from carcinogens” you said that. I said that Tobacco/Nicotine is the primary cause of Lung Cancer.

Okay. I am not in any way debating that smoking causes lung cancer. It is absolutely responsible for it. But I do not think you’re in the least correct to conflate nicotine and tobacco as you’re doing; there are more than fifty carcinogens in cigarette smoke. That was my point— you’re using terms interchangeably when they really aren’t interchangeable.

You twist and turn so much Obcicut, it is difficult to debate with you.

I honestly think that since you approach my posts with a view of suspicion, you interpret twists and turns where there are none intended and none existing. You seem to take everything I say in the worst possible light.