
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

zelnaga12/12/2009 8:01:54 pm PST

Even if you don’t buy into climate change there are still lots of reasons to look at greener technologies. Green technologies help eliminate the need for oil consumption which stops putting money into the hands of corrupt governments. There’s also the theory of peak oil - even if you don’t think climate change will affect us all that much there’s still the fact that there’s only a finite supply of oil on the planet.

To top it off, I think it can be more economical, too. Consider mass transit for example. In all likelihood, it’s going to be cheaper to buy twelve month long bus passes each year than it is going to be to buy gas, get oil changes, pay for car insurance, car repairs, and car loans. And not only is it cheaper - it’s better for the environment. A bus with fifty people on it is going to put out less pollution than fifty cars.

Certainly not all proposals to combat global warming will make things cheaper (eg. cap and trade) but some strategies can (as discussed above).

All that said, I do think there is a small problem with the argument presented in the video. In particular, using the same logic the video uses, one could argue that the Large Hadron Collider shouldn’t be activated. If you activate it, the worst case scenario, according to some people, is that a black hole will form and suck up the Earth. If you don’t activate it, the worst case scenario is that we deprive ourselves of neat new toys that a better understanding of physics could have produced.

Of course, the problem with that as an argument is that the worst case scenario of black holes is completely far fetched. Even if you assume it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s even remotely probable.

Global warming deniers likely believe that the probability (and that’s assuming you can convince them that it’s possible) of global warming destroying life as we know it is next to nothing and that the probability of economic depression is very likely. They’re no more going to be convinced by this video than a scientist at CERN would be convinced by the above black hole argument.